Lesson in Healthcare Leadership

As a kid growing up, I always thought I wanted to be the CEO. Then, as I got older I decided that maybe it would be fine to just be the CIO of the company. Technology was a passion of mine and so it made since that I only dealt with technology and not a lot of the other stuff. At the end of the day, I always wanted to be the boss.

As I’ve gotten older and had a wide variety of bosses, I also learned something about being the boss. It’s really hard. Being a great leader is hard. One problem many leaders face is that they want to be in charge and that’s a recipe for disaster in most cases. Simon Sinek framed what a real leader should look like:

When you look at leadership the way Simon Sinek described it above, I think a lot less people would be interested in being the leader. It also illustrates why leadership is such a challenge. Leadership isn’t about ego. It’s about taking a deep-rooted interest in the people you lead. At least this is what the best leaders do.

Are you a leader who does this for your co-workers? Do you take care of those in your charge?

About the author

John Lynn

John Lynn is the Founder of HealthcareScene.com, a network of leading Healthcare IT resources. The flagship blog, Healthcare IT Today, contains over 13,000 articles with over half of the articles written by John. These EMR and Healthcare IT related articles have been viewed over 20 million times.

John manages Healthcare IT Central, the leading career Health IT job board. He also organizes the first of its kind conference and community focused on healthcare marketing, Healthcare and IT Marketing Conference, and a healthcare IT conference, EXPO.health, focused on practical healthcare IT innovation. John is an advisor to multiple healthcare IT companies. John is highly involved in social media, and in addition to his blogs can be found on Twitter: @techguy.

